Hello, have you tried our fresh (picked in the morning) asparagus yet? It’s delicious! Yesterday a customer started eating the asparagus raw and can you believe I have never tried it raw! I am embarrassed to admit that, we grow it and pick in on our farm and I have never ever ate it raw. Well, I tired it…SO good!! I suggest once you get it home to wash it up (snap the bottoms off) and eat it raw- much better for you too!
Very soon we will pick up allllll our little veggie plants from the nursery, sent in months ago from seed, and will set them out on the lawn ready for planting. It’s a fun time around the farm, lots going on.
Once we have all the veggie transplants (this takes a few trips), the Farmer will set up his tractor and strip tiller (remember I am not a farmer, so I don’t have the right terms for ‘thing’s on the farm). We are a no-till farm, meaning we don’t work up the ground before planting. The farmer will strip till strips for certain veggies and then we go over with the tractor and transplanter, planting the tiny plants in the ground. We plant into cover crops and depending on what was left over from the year before, corn stalks, ect.
Back to the transplanter. So after the strip tilling is done (not working up the ground, just enough to make ‘strips’), the Farmer hooks up the 2 man transplanter. This year I will be delivering the trays of veggies by Atv, rather than sitting on the
COMFY little yellow seat. When I was pregnant with my first I still sat on the back. But this time around I will be taking it easy. Veggies go into the ground…then we wait!
There are some veggies that need to be planted by hand. Like, tomatoes. The plant is usually too big to fit into the transplanter. I know there are bigger transplanter cup thingers for bigger plants, but we just do it the FUN way… Again, I will miss out on all the planting by hand fun!
Now, I’m sure I missed a few key points…but, that would be for the Farmer to write about, not me. I don’t hang around while he’s setting up equipment. I still have to chase around a toddler-who won’t be present during our 2012 veggie planting. Not safe for a little one. She can watch from the safety of my arms, that way I can teach her the dangers and expose and explain. However, a few years from now and she will be the one sitting on the yellow seat, planting veggies after school.
Hope you’re enjoying the lovely spring weather. Look for daily updates on facebook/twitter.